If you take a look at any of the large number of tips and advisory sites available today for insurance agents, you'll probably come across some lists of qualities that are imperative if you want to establish yourself as a quality seller or move an insurance business up the many rungs of the community ladder. One of the most important qualities, in my opinion, and I'm sure in the opinions of many others more experienced than I, is credibility. Credibility is a vital element of being successful with any sort of interaction with the public; you'll see it in politicians, PR firms, and especially in salespeople, of every field and sector. The question of how to establish credibility could be a field of study all in its own, as there are many facets that must be considered in order to achieve a useful understanding of the whole. But as far as insurance goes, there are some straight-forward steps that any agent can make to improve their credibility. While it might not seem like the most logical choice, working with a reputable, recognized leads source is an excellent way to improve your credibility as an agent –something I've discovered first-hand through my affiliation with InsuranceLeads.com.
Through sourcing leads at a renowned leads generation firm, I've been able to realize greater credibility both from my prospects and from my local colleagues, both of which hold great potential for improving sales. When I work with the leads I buy from InsuranceLeads.com, I know I'm getting only prospects who intentionally signed up to receive a quote or extra information, and that they weren't baited with the promise of being included in a sweepstakes or winning some sort of prize. They're genuinely interested in the products that I have to offer, and I'm able to establish myself as a professional, and moreover, helpful agent that's meeting their needs, rather than a nuisance. On the local scale, this helps my business name become associated with positive experiences.
A significant percentage of the insurance agents and brokerages in my town have worked with InsuranceLeads.com in the past themselves, and in general the company has a high reputation in the professional community (which helped drive me towards signing up with InsuranceLeads.com in the first place). When my colleagues hear that I'm getting leads from this major, long-established company, they tend to open up to me about their own experiences and practices, and I'm able to easily establish rapport and make potentially lucrative networking connections.
With my prospects as well as the agents I know locally, my credibility has gained a lot of credit through my use of InsuranceLeads.com. I still have to maintain a good professional attitude, follow up on my promises, and remain consistent, of course, but I'm well aware that I'm far ahead of where I'd be without the ability to lean on the leads giant.
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