Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Voluminous Matters in Insurance Leads

There are plenty of mistakes that I think tend to be made by both new and experienced insurance agents and brokers. Some of them are fairly complex, and it can take a lot of effort or ingenuity to get around them, or it may simply be true that it's necessary for an agent to make their own mistakes along the way in order to build up a reputable, well-functioning insurance business. But I'd like to think that there are pitfalls that everyone can avoid, so long as they're well informed ahead of time. One of those pitfalls that might see its decline as gains momentum and takes on more clients is the issue of volume.

Whether an agent or broker is just starting out or is well established, whether the status quo in a given office is working with a lot of leads on a daily basis or only a few from time to time, the need for quick accessibility to volume of leads is universal. This might seem counterintuitive at first, and I think that's why so many agents (including myself, in the early days) make the mistake of ignoring volume as they grow. Though acting and spending conservatively can be valuable qualities for an insurance business, they can effectively ruin a growth spurt and send an independent agent or an entire office plummeting back towards the baseline when a bit of foresight could have facilitated some major profit potential.

Before I switched to as my primary leads source, I experienced a small jump in sales conversions; this was especially exciting as I had been going through a rough period with my work and was starting to doubt whether I'd be able to take my business of the ground. As I reveled in my report making and kept at the leads I received, however, I didn't check to see whether I'd be able to secure a higher volume of the leads that had worked out. When I was ready to amp up my income and devote more hours to selling (something for which I turned my daily schedule and overall business structure upside down), I found that I was unable to get more leads of the same type and quality in a steady stream. A few more here, a couple there, were made available, and at a premium price which actually raised with my obvious desperation. It was an untenable situation, and after kicking myself over it for a bit, I decided to get out.

As a result, one of the things that most attracted me in the features at was the company's volume capabilities. As one of the largest online insurance leads sources in the United States, the company looked well-positioned to help me wrench up my operation by increments as needed. And this was certainly the case; I've made up the cost of my old mistake several times over.

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